Our school

Welcome to Karel de Grote and our website!
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Welcome to the website of Karel de Grote Primary School
Karel de Grote is a regular primary school in the Genderdal neighborhood of Eindhoven. We use the curriculum year class system. We have small groups, so all pupils get the attention they deserve. Our education serves to help pupils use critical thinking towards, and trains them to become proactive citizens for, today's society.
Our population is multicultural. We view this as a richness. Pupils are introduced to diverse cultures and learn to treat each other with respect. We put emphasis on learning the Dutch language, but also pay attention to the broad development of our pupils. For instance, art teachers teach the subjects dance, music, theatre and arts and crafts.
Involved parents/carers and an involved school are the prerequisites for pupils' educational success. Together, we ensure that pupils can develop to their full potential.
On this website, we try to give you an impression of our school and what we stand for. You will find all kinds of information here. In addition, photos taken during school activities are regularly posted on the site.
However, if you would like to have a look at our school yourself to sample the atmosphere, you are more than welcome to do so. We’ll have the coffee ready!
We hope you enjoy reading and reviewing our website.
Kind regards,
on behalf of the team of Karel de Grote Primary School,
Jacky Klerkx